Sunday, May 31, 2009

Leaks Leaks Leaks Everywhere!!!

Digital compass [Google translation link] has posted what just might be the first pictures taken of the next generation iPhone… taking pictures. Highlights include the new auto-focus, both how it looks in action and the results of photos taken with it compared to the original iPhone 2G. The new digital compass, and a CPU log are also featured, along with some other new features we’ve already seen from 3.0 running on current iPhone 3G hardware.

Are these for real? We’d guess all of this was merely surfaced in iPhone 3.0 on iPhone 3G… except the iPhone 3G doesn’t have a digital compass and it’s camera doesn’t auto-focus. So, either it’s a combo-ruse, or we have just seen the first images of the next generation iPhone in the wild.

A few more pics below, hit up the source article for all of them…

Friday, May 15, 2009

Something is Leaking at Best Buy!!!

PhoneArena (via Engagdget) was sent a tip that Best Buy has 3 mysterious new product SKU’s listed in their system as “PROJECT CHARLIE”. Why is this important and what does it have to do with iPhones?

ZOMG! We’re 3 weeks before WWDC here people! Everything is iPhone!

Okay, in all fairness, Best Buy is one of the very few big iPhone retailers (aside from Apple, AT&T, and Walmart) and even if they have no direct info from Apple, they could be prepping themselves for a similar launch as last year (iPhone 3G in 8GB, 16GB Black, and 16GB white).

But for the Lost fans among us — 3 SKUs, for the 3rd gen iPhone, 3 weeks beforeWWDC and iPhone OS 3.0? Cue creepy music

UPDATE: Our friend Phil over at WMExperts, throws in a plot twist: what if they’re new Windows Phones?!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

SlingPlayer Wifi Only WTF

According to our friends at Gizmodo, the SlingPlayer app for iPhone will finally be hitting the App Store sometime today or tomorrow. We caught a glimpse of the app at Macworld earlier this year and were quite impressed. At the time Sling promised that streaming would be available over EDGE and 3G, although AT&T has since released a statement saying that "Slingbox, which would use large amounts of wireless network capacity, could create congestion and potentially prevent other customers from using the network."

I would not spend $30 on this unless it works over 3g!!